Sunday, March 23, 2008

Writing the first draft of my research paper

It took me quite a long time to write out my first draft. I spent a lot of time on rereading the novels "Pride and Prejudice" and "Mansfield Park". It was a rather tedious process to find out what are all the suitable qoutations for my research paper as well.

Then, I initially had a very difficult time to give a smooth flow to my essay. I had to go through the editing processes for many times before I could arrive at a paragraph that I felt satisfied with. I had to rearrange the structure of my essay and recombine some of the sentences in order to have a coherent piece of writing. Through out the writing process, I had to compare and contrast what are the similarities and differences of these two novels.

In fact, I had done some researches to find out how the historical and societal contexts of Jane Austen's era had influenced the values and actions of the characters. What were the society's expectations towards the behaviour of the characters during that era? What were the roles of women in the eighteenth century?

In conclusion, although it took me roughly two weeks to get my first draft of my reserach paper done, I still felt that it was a worthwhile process because I had learnt up alot of things through out the process.

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