Sunday, March 16, 2008

Why do the teachers need to expose students to different types of Malaysian Festival Celebrations?

It is important for the teachers to expose students to different cultural practices and celebrations of different races. In a multi-racial country like Malaysia, unity and understanding among different races could only be achieved under the condition that the students or people in general know what are cultural values and norms of each other. If we understand the superstitions and taboos of other races, we would not offend the feelings of other races.

In fact, knowing the cultural practices of other races enable students to behave according to society’s expectations. For example, students are expected not to wear red colour or fanciful clothes while attending Chinese’s funeral rituals.

Last but not least, teaching cultural practices and celebrations enable students to be selective on what are the practices and values to be followed by them and what are not to be followed. The teachers could try to make students aware that old-fashioned / gender-biased / superstitious practices should not be continued. For example, the superstitious practice that says we should not buy books during Chinese New Year seems rather ridiculous to me.

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